Show Me Your Ways: PDF



    The word of God contains treasures that often escape our notice. In this in-depth exposition of Psalm 119, author Ken Eberly helps us unearth those treasures and explains how we can put them to use in our own spiritual journey.
    The ultimate goal of a believer’s life is to be Christ-like or to be conformed into the image of the Son of God, Yeshua. This is “the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus” that the Apostle Paul speaks of pressing toward in Philippians 3:14-15.
    Show Me Your Ways illuminates the progression of David the psalmist, as outlined in Psalm 119, in this transformational process of becoming like Christ. This unique psalm has twenty-two sections of eight verses each, one section for each letter of the Hebrew alphabet. This book takes a reader through these sections verse by verse, word by word, tracing the condensed story of David’s life. We understand more deeply not only the trials, but also the victorious seasons of his walk with God through the pages of this book.
    Through this study, we will come to better understand how God works in our own lives to reach His appointed goal: becoming like Christ. Welcome to the journey!
    This, the most massive of all the psalms, can be a daunting study to many. Ken’s insight into Psalm 119 provides amazing perspective to David’s many-faceted walk with God… and ours also.
    – Pastor Steve Graybill, Praise Christian Fellowship


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